10 May S22E05
I thought we were going to get hit with a severe category 6 cyclone, after burning the amazon and to top it off, with this years fire storm scorching Australia.
More than enough energy now stored in the ocean and atmosphere. I could feel at least a cat 5 in my bones, just like I did with Yassi, but of course, Mother Earth knows how to cool things off better than anyone!! A GLOBAL PANDEMIC … perfect! Stops all green house gases, everyone stays at home, gardening and growing there own food, no cars, no planes, and tankers filled with oil just waiting for the pandemic to end.
On March 25th after taking a much needed long weekend in Melbourne…
Looking back objectively I could see clearly heading into the covid19 curve, we had already decided to move but not until the end of this year. After surviving 911, sars, swine flu , bird flu , Larry, Yassi, GFC, bla bla bla etc there was NO WAY Divine was able to continue covering running costs without any money coming in ever again.
I had decided that we would make the move over Easter, I got back from Melbourne and rang Interglase, my old Townsville Grammer school friends son’s business . I said “if you can get the mirrors off the walls we are moving on Saturday the 28th of March!
And then .. I opened a registered “letter to remedy” from the Real Estate Agent. I was 2 weeks late on the march rent but legally you can’t be served until you are 3 months in arrears, I knew what these guys were up to, and there was no way I would be able to pay march, and probably not April with easter holidays plus Anzac Day plus a pandemic. It was time to Move!!
In what still seems a miracle and lots of hard work absolutely everyone I know from my old friends to new friend Richard, and my children all turned up to help! We gutted the old salon and reconstructed it back together perfectly at 111-115 upper Richardson st incredibly with everything fitting in as if it had been custom made. The room I never used, and couldn’t furnish properly, has found its ideal purpose. Working under natural light seeing the blue sky and the green back drop of our beautiful creek, it is amazing and it makes everyone feel happy.
Just bringing the old premises ‘back to “GOOD’ finishing our new space, and being a father, I took to 8hr work 4hr sleep 8hr work around the clock through most of this isolation! Never have I had so much work to do!
Thank goodness for the few people I hadn’t worn out that turned up to help. It is so humbling how everyone made this miracle happen, I cannot express enough gratitude, but i will work hard to show my appreciation.
A very big thank you to Mariella, her dedication to the business and to myself and my children and to helping me make this move the success it has been.
Booking Appointments
The best way to book an appointment is to text 0499 322 555 as soon as you think of the time and date you require, once we see your message, with times available we will text or call you
Of course we will answer your call or return missed calls. At this stage messenger, IG direct message, emails etc get checked late at night but often over looked.. remembering 3 days later..
Business hours are still early, early in the week with a later start Thursday working through Saturday, of course now we are at our new location, I’m flexible, but mostly with cutting and single step colouring, I’m still leaving the big jobs to the girls.
Covid 19 Stimulus
Last week the government finally dropped the first part of the covid19 stimulus which actually lasted 2 days after paying our oldest bills of $500 each , but also making it a really busy week!! I think the next lot drops on the 8th, so this week isn’t looking so busy yet. PLEASE don’t be shy, of course you are welcome to pay later, otherwise we will get swamped with work next week, making it harder to fit people in.
Remember .. You, Our clients have looked after divine for 23 years, I love my job so I will do my best, what ever it’s takes, to get through this unbelievable chain of events.
P.s i feel like a different person getting out of the avenue no more pending doom, barely covering overheads, rent , electricity bill shock, battling the body corporate, losing sleep every cyclone season, the spiraling costs plus constant expenditure in maintaining a poorly designed and neglected building
Here’s to the Bright and beautiful future !
Thank you to all for keeping this show on the road..
Like shampoo through the hour glass these are the divine daze
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