04 Nov Divine Daze Season 19 E11
OMG! It’s nearly over
The end of the year is so close!! We have been crazy busy this episode doing photo shoots, fashion shows and weddings on top of everything else we always do. The Wild Barra Fashion Show was another huge success!! Mariella and I were fresh from Melbourne Spring Fashion Week so we were so pumped to use some of our new skills. We’ve also been working with my friend Wade and the crew from Crystal Caves for their new image and campaign, we did a shoot in the salon then Mariella and I travelled to Dunk Island and the Elandra Resort at Mission beach to showcase our beautiful Tropical North Qld with these amazing artefacts. I’ll put some of these images up on social media soon, so you can have a look at the amazing work we’ve been doing.
Make it a Kevin Murphy kind of Christmas
The Kevin Murphy Gift Packs are now available for Christmas, this year we have 3 to choose from… Repair & Polish comes with Repair.Me Wash & Rinse and a body Polish that exfoliates and moisturizes your skin. Air Dry Kit Comes with the Smooth Again Wash & Rinse and a Limited Edition KM Hair Hoodie. Then finally “I Woke Up Like This” includes Angel Wash & Rinse and the new hero product, Bedroom Hair. We haven’t ordered as many this year, so stock is genuinely very limited. Knowing my luck they will be the hot holiday gift of 2017, so If you want one, you better come and get it!!
As some of you may know, we have a Diagnostic Camera that our stylists use to determine your energy code for the System Professional range. As we are coming into the summer months scalp conditions become very common. Things like dry scalp, irritation, sensitivity whatever… all these conditions are totally normal here in tropical north QLD. The beauty of the camera is we can do an analysis to then provide you with the right products to relieve your scalp. The diagnostic camera can also determine hair thickness, density and cuticle condition. If you are having any concerns with the condition of your scalp, or hair, please let your stylist know and we can take a look at it for you… and offer you a solution.
Updo Dilema
Over the past say, 4 years, since Pinterest became a big thing, a lot of people have been using it to save their favourite up styles, and makeup looks… anything really. But what I am seeing every single time is the same 4 hairstyles…. I’m a little bit over it… it’s like some old lady, Amish hairdo, that’s really out of fashion… it was a cool hairdo, but it’s been done to death and everyone looks the same. These are some of the cool hairstyles Kevin Murphy has been doing… love these they’re all so different and modern, he knows what’s cool.
Here Kitty
I also want to make a quick mention about Kitty Cattery, Sarcha who runs the Cattery started her hairdressing apprenticeship with Lisa & I, at Jan Lyons. After a life changing accident in the early days she had to stop hairdressing but we have stayed very close, she married Lisa’s husband’s brother and now has her boutique cattery up and running. This Cattery is a bit special, with 8 fully air-conditioned rooms, each with their own private catio for sun bathing. It’s like a 5 star hotel for cats, some of our hotels in Cairns aren’t even this good. If you’re heading away this Christmas and need someone to look after your cat check out www.kittycattery.com.au or have a look at their Facebook page
Don’t Panic!
Last of all I’m going to remind you again that there’s only 7 Saturdays until Christmas!!! We have already been taking loads of bookings especially for the week starting the 19th. If you haven’t already please start thinking about your bookings to avoid any disappointment.
That’s all from me, until next episode
Like shampoo through the hour glass these are the Divine Daze
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