01 Apr Divine Daze S21E03
The first quarter of 2019 is gone!! Just like that, I’m hoping that’s the end of our hot weather and we can start enjoying Cairns for the beautiful place it is. Easter is not far away, the salon will be closed from Friday the 19th and will reopen on Tuesday 23rd April, closing again on Thursday 25th April for Anzac day. The week before Easter we will be trading late on Wednesday the 17th April and closing at 5pm on Thursday before Good Friday. Caitlin will be having a few away trips in April, the 9th and 10th she will be in Melbourne attending a Men’s Cutting Course with Uros Mikic, a very talented hairdresser who holds countless international titles including 3-times Men’s Hairdresser of the year. Then from the 29th April until 1st May, she will be down in Sydney attending the first phase of the Wella Master Colour Expert Program!! So if you need to see her be sure to take note of these dates.
Becoming yogis…
We are turning into yogis!!! One of our amazing clients is like a “Yoga Master” and has been taking us through the movements on Wednesday mornings for the last few weeks. It’s amazing the habits we create in our bodies especially in hairdressing, once you start becoming aware you realise how out of alignment you’ve been for all those years. Just taking the time to notice how you breathe at different times of the day and how you scrunch up certain areas of the body and training yourself to change your habits has been really enlightening!! For us we definitely hold a lot of tension in our shoulders and upper back. So with our yoga team bonding practice finishing at 9am, the salon is now opening at 10 on Wednesdays. I thought I’d better let everyone know so you don’t think we’ve closed down.
Social media…
Mariella has been doing a great job in keeping our Social Media pages so active with great content. If you are not following us on Facebook (Divine Hairdresser) or Instagram (@divine_hair), get on board to keep up with our latest promotions, products of the month, staff holidays, available appointments and our Divine work. We want you to let us know how much you love your hair so whenever you post a selfie of your new hairdo and tag us on Facebook and Instagram you instantly get $20 off your next appointment. We are also awarding anyone who writes us a 5 star review on Google and Facebook a $20 voucher to show our appreciation. Terms and Conditions do apply**. Just remind us at the counter if any of these apply to you.
**one voucher per person, per service and only valid over $100 spend
Healthy hair…
At Divine we don’t just make your hair look good, we are very passionate about the health and growth of your hair too. Hair loss or thinning affects around 50% of men and women and is caused by so many things… genetics, stress, health reasons such as thyroid, pregnancy and menopause, pollutants in the air & environment, medication and nutrition and Diet. We see it a lot and know it can be a touchy subject. But we do have a solution, Nioxin and The Nioscope. The Nioscope is a camera that magnifies up to 2000x, we can see the condition of your scalp and hair follicle, how many hairs are growing out of each follicle, the diameter of each hair strand and cuticle condition. Once we gather these images they are saved in our Nioscope memory and we can then properly prescribe the correct Nioxin range for you. The shampoo, cleanser and leave in treatment are then to be used at home everyday for the first month. We then have you back to go under the Nioscope again to see the difference your new haircare regime has made to your scalp and hair. We have had the range for over 3 years seen amazing results with people hair coming back to life. we have now started documenting these results with some of our clients so that we have a portfolio to show everyone that this stuff actually does work. If you feel like you could be a candidate for this range please let us know!!
Charlie Theo Fundraiser
I want to thank everyone for your support with our Charlie Theo Fundraiser for brain Cancer, you all have made a big difference. I’m not normally that into charities (I have my own contribution to charities) but this one is close to my heart with my dad passing in his birthday 1st March 2016 from a brain tumour and this fundraiser being held for the month of March. It seemed like it was meant to be. I bet your all itching to hear the winners of the prizes and here they are;
6th place Blowdry for you and a friend
5th Place $100 Voucher at Noa
4th Place $115 Full Body Massage at Serenity
3rd Place $190 Divine Hair and Makeup package
2nd Place $595 YSL Sunglasses Miss Louise
1st Place $695 Alexander McQueen Sunglasses Miss Louise
All winners will be notified by phone to come and collect your prize.
Once again a big Thankyou to Miss Louise, Serenity and Noa for donating a prize and to everyone who purchased tickets, it’s been a huge Success!!
Finally I want to mention the Little Free Library in Edge Hill – take a book and bring a book to the little Library Box at 103 Woodward St. This cute little book box is doing great business with the neighbourhood readers. A distinctive paint job by Local Edge Hill Artist Hayley Gillespie adds to its charm. Please take the time to check it out.
That’s it from me I think, until next episode.
Like Shampoo through the Hour Glass these are the Divine Daze
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