05 Feb Divine Daze S21E01
Hi everyone welcome back to Divine Daze season 21, we will only have 11 episodes after needing a hiatus from the extreme highs of last season that left us with a few cliffhangers after the scorching days where it was almost radio active when you went outside. Also with the constant threat of Cyclone Owen, I seriously thought “there goes our Christmas trade or better still just flatten the place lol… oh the perils of small business.
So with everyone chipping in including little Frankie, we smashed December 2018 and had a incredible final week trade which left us all on high for the end of the year. We forgot to do our staff party in winter last year with so much going on so on the 23rd we all let our hair down and blew of a bit of steam and that’s the last time Divine will ever have its staff party in December, after working so hard then finishing in with a big party we were all completely exhausted for Christmas.
Anyway I made it to the plane got out of here on Christmas Eve and all I had to do on Christmas Day was get to the beach and lie in the sun, then I worked as usual on the Miss Louise Boxing Day sale where I managed to find the the girls a belated Xmas present (well deserved I might add) I normally work for 3 days but after Boxing Day I hit the bed and got some much needed rest.
New Years…
On New Years I actually went to a party for the first time in, I can’t remember how long. Kevin Murphy picked me up and we went to a old friends for small party, on the way there we discussed how good the fireworks looks from where I stayed on St Kilda Rd. We were on our way home by 11.40 which turns out to the best thing to do ! A social night then miss the rush to get home see the fireworks and go to bed ….all boxes ticked. Meanwhile back home the Girls celebrated Caitlin’s 30th birthday on New Years Eve, even though I was away she held the party at my house (everything was still in tact when I got home…. except I had to find a new cleaner 😑….)the theme was “something beginning with C” and it sounded like a great party with flowing champagne, party buses, minjin swings and a bunch of great costumes. Caitlin and Mariella both looked stunning as Cleopatra and Cher…..
Noosa was relaxing good weather but had definitely lost last years novelty and shine it just seemed busy and people were really uptight. I got the feeling they really hate tourist… but anyway… at the end we were flying out of Coolangatta so we stayed with my friends at Fingal heads for a few nights so we could explore northern New South Wales. I loved his area I hope to get back there one day.
So on Tuesday the 15th I flew in to cairns as soon as I stepped of the plane I was confronted with some news of one of our dearest, longest, loyalest, most treasured clients who I could safely call a friend had sadly lost her battle with cancer, this news was definitely a reality check for myself and everyone who has been touched by this incredible human, (I’m actually crying writing his now!!) we will always remember Amanda as such a strong, caring woman who was just beautiful on the inside and out… it’s true when they say only the good die young…
Wella Master
Now enough with the sad stuff, about a week after I arrived back into the salon our favourite Wella colour technician paid us a visit to tell us about the new permanent colour they have just released. Now I won’t bore you with all the scientific details but we did 3 models that day and the results were amazing. We are also waiting in anticipation to Find our if Caitlin has been accepted into the Wella Master Colour Expert Program for 2019. She has completed all 4 prerequisite courses and if her application is successful she will attend 4 intense 3 day workshops in Sydney through out 2019 and will know everything thing there is to know about colour…. so keep an eye out on social media to see if she has been accepted and fingers crossed she gets in!!!
Village news…
Oh and we have a sign!!! we all love it how that played out…. the building fixed and new signage for everyone except for the odd one out curry pizza.. as for our old beautiful sign if anyone has a location for it, it’s 6.5 long and 1.8 high and the skin can be changed very easily, please call me or email me if you can help or if you know anyone.
On a final note I have missed place a set of keys there is a Subaru key on it. It has happened before I have rushed in from picking up the children then put my key down in front of a client waiting and pick up my scissors and start cutting. The the client picks up there wallet and possibly my keys, then they get home and think wtf, and they have no idea. it happened with a pair of scissors once, I put it on a newspaper and they got picked up put in someones boot. I got them back six months later when he cleaned his car… lol
Here is to another year of Divine Daze
Like shampoo through the hour glass, these are the Divine Daze….
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