31 Oct Divine Daze Episode 11 Season 20
October was a month of firsts for me…. The top of the list was travelling business class to Europe, on the A38O. I had the very front Bed on the top floor which was very comfortable, even the food was magnificent. The food Highlight was breakfast in the Plaza Athene in Paris, it was out of this world.
The stand out for me (and probably the most fun) were the Lime Bikes…. These are electric Scooters, you down load an app to find the scooters and off you go. I got up every morning just before the city woke up to refresh my memory of previous visits, the Eiffel-Champs was my favourite I went there every morning and thought about my time with my dad.
It was an absolute privilege to go to all the fashion houses, we didn’t go to the shows, they had almost finished we arrived. We went after shows where the buyers go to the associated showrooms to make orders for the following seasons. You get to see the complete collection with out he push and shove of the show, they still have models casually walking through out the room, and they try on whatever you need to see. They all have amazing natural hair and very simple makeup, it was incredible. My FAVOURITE room was said to be where Napoleon stayed when traveling through Milan… I’m talking the famous historian, not the fat makeup artist. I feel so grateful and privileged to have seen such beauty. Not mention how nice the people we were dealing with are as well.
It just so happened In Milan Wella launched their new men’s range which will be hitting our shores next year and Dyson Launched there crazy new hair tool which I tested briefly, I’m still not sure about Dyson… I loved the look but the practicality mmm????? We saw them at Fashion Week in Melbourne and several of them just stopped working because they have some sensor for the filter that just stops the whole thing. They had their Dyson Robot vacuum though.. that was really cool. I think Dyson should just stick to vacuum cleaners
Crystalbrook Collection…
We are all very excited for the new hotel opening up in Cairns this month. I believe it’s the first new hotel in Cairns for over 10 years!! I hope this will encourage the other hotels to up their service game. After being in Milan and Paris its really obvious how bad the service is in the hospitality industry is in Cairns… so fingers crossed Riley and the Crystalbrook Collection can provide us with the 5 star quality that has been lacking in Cairns for so long.
Melbourne Cup
Next week is Melbourne Cup, usually I’m away this week but this year I’m staying home. If your heading out for the event we are providing champagne for all our divine guests to get you started for the day. we have limited spots available if you would like to start off your race day celebrations with us and I am currently fixing all the wiring in the celling so we can watch the race on our TV for the first time ever!!!! Also if you are attending the Melbourne Cup Event held at Nunu’s keep an eye out for
At Divine we are constantly keeping up with our Education, it’s so important in our industry to keep up with current trends and also refresh our current knowledge. Our Wella Educator Rob travelled up from Brisbane this week to talk about Colour Correction. At Divine we consider ourselves to be highly experience in the area of fixing hair disasters (I won’t say we’ve seen them all but I have seen some pretty crazy shit that you would find hard to believe) but as I said the industry is always changing, new formulas are released and techniques evolve. We’re always left with a feeling of inspiration and excitement after training days and next year there will be plenty more of that.
Social Media
If you aren’t following our social media by now, this month we’ll give you an incentive… we will be running a “selfie” competition with a very exciting major prize to find out the prize and rules of the competition make sure you follow both our Facebook and Instagram pages. Not only that but you can stay upto date with all things Divine including our trips away, education, before and afters and latest products.
Well that’s all from me for now, but before I go I want to mention the next newsletter we will talk about the importance of having a hair plan… to start this off you can make sure you start thinking about booking in for Christmas. The last week before Christmas is already filling fast so please be organised to avoid any disappointment.
Like shampoo through the hour glass these are the Divine Daze
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