23 May Divine Daze E04 & E05 S20
I feel like this is the first time I’ve been able to have a breather all month!! April, and the first half of May have been pretty full on. I’m back training again, after my favourite PT Nathan joined the Police Force and his predecessor Ingy, move to Sunshine Coast, I haven’t really been committed to an exercise regime. But someone recommended me to Phil and he has been stretching out all my tension for about 18 months now. We are starting to up the ante a bit with more cardio and I’m rediscovering my love for exercise again. If I could just get a personal shopper and chef that would be great, now I know what the house wife used to do…. Thank god for Uber Eats and the Cleaner haha…
I’ve also been busy cleaning out my life at home. I sold everything in storage, organised the useless stuff and dumped the rubbish. It feels great. Some of you might know I lived with a hoarder for the past 20 years. Who lived through a world war and a depression. So luckily I don’t know what it’s like to be hungry or literally have make things from what you got. So I’ve sorted through my grandma’s, my uncles and finally my dads things. And have got it down to photos, documents, the old ornaments and furniture pieces. 2 years on !!! But now the salon is starting to feel like dads house I can’t find a space to put things down. So soon as we get a quiet patch look out.
In the background I’m still working on our signage and the state of the building but this is a long term job similar to solving the continuous flooding problems and roof leaks we had pre Yasi , if no one does anything, nothing happens. But we are getting there slowly
Education overload…
We have had an Education overload since we last spoke…. So, early April Mariella went to Melbourne for the Kevin Murphy Style.Me workshop where she learnt 4 new hairstyles using techniques that incorporate KM Tools and fashion forward styling. Then while Caitlin was visiting her brother in Perth she attended the Wella Colour Craft Highlights workshop, learning about all things Foiling, Balayage and blondes. She is also off to Melbourne this weekend to do more Wella Colour Education.
Finally we had James Nicholson our third Kevin Murphy Educator visit Divine. This year we have been really excited about the km education as it also included the colour.me demo. All the 2018 looks also come with colour techniques. After a day and half of cut.me, which included some 7 haircuts. I started to turn into the dog from the Simpsons. My vision went black and white and all I could here was bla bla bla. Then UberEATS arrived with Evo burgers just when our models arrived for the colour.me prac and I came back to excited and enthusiastic.
James is now be based in the UK. The Kevin Murphy team are now all off to Prague to present what we learnt and more to 2000 European hairdressers. Then off to open the Paris KEVIN MURPHY academy!!! (Both KEVIN and I still can’t believe he has his very own Kevin Murphy Academy in Paris!!.) then they are doing more presentations in Vegas, WHAT A BUSY LIFE. Hopefully Mariella and I will get to catch up with them all together in Melbourne for fashion week again this year in September.
As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, lots of our wonderful clients have been sending there friends and wow!! it’s so nice to have a bunch of like minded clients who love to look after their hair and care about it as much as we do. We love passing on our knowledge of hair to our clients to ensure they have the very best so a big thank you, and please let’s us know if there is anything we can help you with. We have specialised knowledge in thinning hair for both men and women, scalp conditions such as dry scalp and dandruff and damage caused by over processed colours or heat, and we have the products to assist in combating these conditions. We have a camera that can magnify up to 2000x and capture images of your hair and scalp to pin point exactly what the problem is and prescribe the right products. So if you have any concerns please let the girls or myself know and we can run a diagnosis at your next appointment for no more extra than a haircut or the products you purchase.
Anyway, I’m exhausted… that’s enough from me, don’t forget to follow our facebook and Instagram… until next time..
Like Shampoo through the hourglass, these are the Divine Daze.
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